individual with neurodiversity playing with nuts and bolts
Neuroptimal logo. A brain training tool to help individuals with neurodiversity.

NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback is an ideal solution for people who are neurodiverse and are interested in training for neurodiversity. That’s because it is a non-invasive, drug-free, and gentle approach to brain training and neurodiversity. It does not require any specific tasks or exercises, and it is safe and effective for people of all ages.



One of the key benefits of NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback for neurodiverse individuals is that it can help them to better regulate their emotional responses. 


Many neurodiverse individuals struggle with emotional dysregulation, which can manifest as anxiety, depression, or anger. NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback can help to train the brain to recognise when it is becoming dysregulated and provide feedback to help it self-regulate.


In addition to emotional regulation, NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback can also help with executive functioning, such as attention, working memory, and planning, increasing their self-awareness and confidence. These are areas where many  individuals with neurodiversity struggle, and NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback can help to strengthen these skills.

NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback is a non-judgmental approach to brain training. It does not try to change or “fix” the individual but rather works with the brain’s natural processes to help it function at its best. It is a valuable tool for individuals with neurodiversity who want to improve their brain function and achieve optimal performance in all areas of their lives.


Many neurodivergent individuals report experiencing improvements in their overall functioning, such as better sleep, reduced anxiety and stress, improved focus and attention, and more. Additionally, NeurOptimal® can help these individuals build greater self-awareness and self-regulation skills, which can be beneficial in daily life.



Promotes Mental Wellness

Heightened sense of tranquillity and ease and help break obsessive thought patterns

smiley brain to represent a individual with neurodiversity after brain training

 Enhances Emotional control

Assisting the brain in self-regulating emotions to reduce the frequency and duration of melt downs

brain training with neurodiversity emoji

Boosts Learning and Memory

Can help facilitate the brains ability to acquire and retain new information

brain in stress

Identifying and

addressing triggers

By providing real-time feedback on brain activity, the system can help individuals become more aware of their responses to certain stimuli and work to retrain their brain’s responses.


and drug-free

NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback is a non-invasive and drug-free approach to managing symptoms of trauma and PTSD. It is safe, gentle, and non-judgmental, making it an attractive option for individuals who may not want to rely solely on medication or invasive procedures.

It’s important to note that NeurOptimal® is not a treatment for any specific condition or disorder, but rather a brain training program that can help individuals optimise their brain function. As with any therapy or training program, it’s important to work with a qualified professional to determine if NeurOptimal® is a good fit for your individual needs and goals.